Preparing for more music possibilities

Preparing for more music possibilities requires a lot of Determination and Hard work. Currently, Nakestra is trying to work for a viola in the next four to six weeks... and A concert in April. Currently we have, Clarinet two flutes violins AND NOW A VIOLA IS THE NEXT ON THE LIST. NEW RECRUITS Daily i keep meeting new people who are trying to support me in this venture. I am glad guys are willing to devote thiemselves and not to mention thier time help and grow this project... MUSIC WORKSHOP Nakestra will be preparing a music workshop for its members and friends also a platform for people to meet and share... It shall be held this commi8ng Easter on th 14 April 2012. Watch this space!! BLOG I am so happy that sm1 thought of this site... since it has really helped advertise the crew. Ohh! and of-course Youtube. Please keep up to date with the group for more wonderful projects and music Nakestra Founder and enthusiast Alex Waweru
